JimBollman wrote:
Thanks to those that answered my question. Sounds like even though the total watts available on the 20amp 220v outlet is higher, the option to the RV to use up to 30 amps selectively would be better. I didn't know how the 30amp to 50amp adapter was wired that makes sense.
I tend to agree with the 30 amp being the better option even though the dual 20 amp has the potential for more total power. And it would depend on the individual RV. An AC will run fine from a 20 amp circuit. But depending on how an individual RV is wired, there may be other commonly used higher amp devices on that same hot leg and cause a 20 amp breaker to trip where it would be fine on the 30 amp. Whereas the other 20 amp hot leg might be only lightly used due to the devices wired to it.