Bobbo wrote:
dodge guy wrote:
To call it a 240V outlet for RV use is wrong. Someone may make a big mistake! There are 2 separate 120V legs, 1 Neutral and 1 ground. At no point do they make 240V unless you install that type of breaker in the panel and run 240 off of that.
This is (almost) entirely wrong. It is not "a 240V outlet for RV use." It is a standard 4 pin 240v dryer/stove outlet that we just happen to be plugging an RV into.
Every 4 pin 240V outlet is "2 separate 120V legs, 1 Neutral and 1 ground." EVERY ONE. Whether it is powering an RV, a stove, a dryer, or anything else.
To say "{a}t no point do they make 240V unless you install that type of breaker in the panel and run 240 off of that" is the only true statement in your quote. However, you don't realize that saying that you get 240V by installing a 240V breaker in the RV, you are admitting that the feed TO the RV is, indeed, 240V. The breaker feeding the pedestal IS a standard 240V breaker.
You will be correct if you say that the 50 amp outlet is a 120v/240v outlet but most (not all) RV's only utilize it as 2 separate 120v circuits.
You are apparently not understanding the difference between how the power is supplied, and how the power is utilized.
I think you are not understanding. We are talking RV’s here, not home 240V appliances.