lfcjasp wrote:
magnusfide wrote:
Exactly. Hobbies are a part of travel too. One dutch oven weighs less than multiple kitchen gadgets that can be replaced with one or two multi-taskers. The d.o. functions as an oven, a slow-cooker, a frying pan, etc. It can be used without damage over a campfire or on the stove.
Love how your mind works...that dutch oven may be going with us;-)
It's easy to do and easy to clean up. There's even d.o. liners if you want really easy. We would set a d.o. with stew in it and a few coals for a couple of hours while we did a little fishing. We came back and the meal was done. The smoky flavor of the wood made it extra good.
Back to the topic: how do you lighten your "basement" set up in your rig?