Do not go by your payload sticker. Go weigh truck with full fuel and all that will be in it when towing. I speak from experience. As a retired Toyota tech I wanted to tow with a Tundra so bought a regular cab long box which had a payload sticker of 1849 lbs. Thinking i would be fine we purchased a 30 ft Cougar 285 with advertised dry hitch weight of 1040 lbs. Found we were when loaded up 300 to 400 lbs over trucks 7200 GVWR. When i weighted truck alone with hitch in found actually had only 1200 lbs payload left as truck weighted 6000 lbs. So what i am saying is you will find truck heavier than you think. Now as to how it handled the 10000 lbs 5th wheel it had no problem at all. Only added Timbrens. Pulled through British Columbia rocky mountains and from Alberta to Arizona 2 winters. Now pull same 5th with a Ford F250 and no difference i can detect in handling or braking etc. We went with the Ford as we travel in summer in British Columbia and they enforce rv weights using the GVWR and if over you not only fined but have to have trailer towed and i did not want to take the chance. So Tundra excellent tow vehicle but you will find practically no 5th wheel of any size you can tow and not exceed trucks GVWR. Happy hunting and camping.