rhagfo wrote:
ScottG wrote:
TomG2 wrote:
I said I was not being critical, just observing. I live in the RV world and the only people that I hear using the term "bumper pull" are folks with Fifth wheel trailers or motorhomes. If size matters, you can pull more square feet of travel trailer than fifth wheel trailer with your pickup. Less steps and lower overall height, are a couple of other advantages.
And all the great storage in the back of the truck.
This is the main reson I have a TT. It's wet around here for 7+ mos a year and it's great to have a truck canopy and all the space under it for hauling projects and what ever.
Many newer 5ers have basements that hold nearly as much as the truck bed. That and they can stay packed after the current trip for the next, also you still have use of the bed up to the rails. One more thing using the basement, reduces the the actual weight carried by the TV.
That's fine but a fiver, no mtter how much storage it has, will not allow me the covered storage in back of the truck that I enjoy in the off-season in our wet climate.
For some of us, a TT makes a lot more sense.