lanerd wrote:
Yes, conversations when using the speaker on your cel phone does need to be inside. However, be thankful that you have good hearing that you can hear that conversation 50 feet hearing is so bad that even with hearing aids, using the speaker phone is the only way I can carry on a conversation with my cel phone. That's why I typically only text.
I didn't read all 4 pages of this thread. My hearing is not as bad as this but, yes if I want to hear on the cell phone I must have the speaker turned on. My last cell phone was not this way but, the Kerocerya Brigadier phone I have now is a horrible thing for sound quality. The person I'm talking to can't hear me either.
That being said, I don't have long conversation on the phone anyway. I usually take a cue from the other people at the campground. If it is a quite campground I try to be quiet too. But, if everybody else is being noisy and doesn't care then I don't care either.
Most of the places I camp the spots are large enough, and because you are on the other side of your camper, that I don't think it would bother the people next door anyway.