That's a problem with a lot of these health plans in that the best med is not avail because of cost ... only what is cheapest and will still work. Pradaxa is not cheap and is what I took for a few months when I had a temp case of A-Fib. One needs to have a good overall physical if they develop A-fib since to the best my doctors could tell sudden thyroid issues along with a case of water intoxication caused mine and I went thru two bouts of A-Fib and self converted twice. I even wore a 24/7 heart monitor to ensure I wasn't one of the few that had random bouts of A-Fib and didn't realize it one I got my thyroid issues resolved.
Also, in some individuals even low to moderate alcohol consumption can be a contributing factor to A-Fib.
A-Fib is definitely no fun since it drains you of energy and stamina.