I have a direct-discharge (no heat ducts) Suburban brown-box-of-noise battery sucker in my little C-minus. The sound of it cycling in the middle of a quiet night is guaranteed to wake the dead. I considered a Propex, but hate to think of the work installing it.
I don't mind sleeping in the cold; a watch cap, long johns, and a few extra blankets take care of that. I just hate A) getting waked up by that dam' jet engine blast half-dozen times a night, and B) getting up in the cold. Simple solution? Yep. Re-located the thermostat so I can reach it easily from the bunk.
I may look at rigging something more up using the water heater and some water-cooled computer components this winter, but I want to give this a good try out first.
Jim, "Don't forget to feed Schrodinger's cat before you go out."