ependydad wrote:
What were the words we were supposed to get from these videos?
No words...just proof that poop happens
Why this is serious stuff, or at least 'some' can see that...betcha too many will only see humor and entertainment in these types of threads
That Mr Murphy does cross "someone's path"...wonder if anyone one of those poor folks ever said: "it only happens to the other guy"...
"...Supposed to get from these videos?..." guess this is going to continue to be over folks head as to how serious towing is...can be...oh yeah...it only happens to the other guy...right?
The only that I see an obvious take away is the boat trailer: make sure you have proper rated safety chains AND use them.
Yup...but...only *ONE* thing out of many, many, many things to consider and take action
Otherwise, there wasn't a common topic in the rest of than - trailers do unexpected things. They showed all sizes of tow vehicles minus getting into the MDT/HDT side of things.
Hint...it HAPPENED !!!...and again, happened to that other guy that no one ever thinks would be themselves someday out there when Mr Murphy crosses their path
That all things can meet Mr Murphy...that on that day...there will be no time to go back to the store for proper stuff...and/or...readjust everything properly....
Therefore...learn the HOW2's and follow those instructions for 'your' TV...not what others have done...it may work on theirs...but may not on yours...
Then the OEM ratings systems...that most all of those ratings are mandated by the government for the protection of their customers...
On that, decide if you believe in the ratings system or not.
If not, then do whatever these people who advise to ignore ratings
If yes, then learn the HOW2's and what 'your' ratings are. Go out and actually weigh your setup axle by axle to apply that info 'your' TV's ratings
So, let's say we make people buying a camper at a dealership watch this - what's their take away? How do you make lessons from this video that can be actionable for the people watching it?
It might have 'some' realize how serious towing really is...that it can happen to them...not just the other guy...to then have them try to learn the HOW2's.
Either by searching and reading...or asking (that is a load of poop some times)
Not a horse person....many buddies are and always wondered about that old adage: "you can lead a horse to water...but...you can't make it drink"...