Bobbo wrote:
I have an Airstream, which is known for sticking windows. I have a silicone impregnated cloth that I use to wipe down the window seals on all of the windows before leaving on a trip, and thereafter if I find one of them sticking.
If the emergency escape window sticks during an emergency, you better believe I will hit it with enough force to open it or break it.
I LOL'ed when I read this Bobbo.
I drive a race car and believe me, like you alluded to, fire is very motivating! No sticking window is going to stop anybody from getting out. Fire will make you do things you don't think your capable of doing.
My next door neighbor had a mobile home that caught fire. It burnt down to the ground. I went over there one day after the fire and my friend said "hey check this out." He showed me 3 fire extinguishers that the metal pins were still in place but the fire extinguishers had been used. At first thought I was wondering how this could be? Then it dawned on me; the pins had been sheared in half because the guy panicked so bad he cut them in half with the FE handle! :E