We have an outside antenna and can use it with any phone.
Here's how:
Also get a 12 volt cellular band amplifier. Attach the antenna to the input of the amplifier. Buy a stickum patch output cable for the amplifier. Whenever you want to use the phone, turn ON the amplifier, hold the stickum patch to the back of the phone while making the call. After the call, hang the stickum patch and it's cable on a peg by the amplifier and unplug the amplifier's cigaratte lighter cable from the cigarette lighter socket to turn the amplifier OFF.
This system gets you much greater range than just the antenna by itself due to an amplifier being involved. This system also greatly increases the range at which a Verizon Jetpack will work by laying the Jetpack on the stickum patch on a table with the amplifier turned ON whenever using the Jetpack. Works like a champ to really reach out to the Verizon towers when camping or traveling out in the middle of nowhere.
I've been able to make cell phone calls using this system when the Verizon phone by itself showed no bars at all. Those cellular amplifiers along with a rooftop cellular antenna make a fantastic combination for longer range cell phone use.
Now .... if only I could get a Jetpack data plan with a bunch of gigabits .... by using the antenna and amplifier I could watch Netflix movies in the evenings when camping out in the middle of nowhere.