No way in hell would I ever pay for AAA ......we had a friend who worked in the British Embassy in DC and when in England she had British Motor club and she towed a small caravan with her car. So when she got posted to the US she bought AAA ......on a trip with here 13' tt behind her car she had a flat on the tt on I-95 in Va. she called the number and after an hour waiting on the shoulder of the highway in the sweltering heat a truck finally showed up. The guy told her they did not do trailer tires. Now this lady was in her 60's it would have been an easy task for this punk to change out the tire. He got back into his truck and left. He just left her standing by the road. Shortly there after a good samaritan stopped and changed her tire and got her back on the road. When she relayed the story to the other members of our camping club they too had equally as horrifying stories about AAA. Some years later Good Sam came out with there road service....