BurbMan wrote:
bfast54 wrote:
Purely from a ordinance, legal perspective ---this guy is breaking the law !!!!!
many laws in many areas depending by where he is !!
And this will only lead to restrictions in areas where people can " get a little bit of rest "
This guy is abusing the privilege and he HAS Broken the Law---- plain and simple
Please enlighten us barrister, what law(s) has he broken?
#1...Discharging Grew Water on an Unapproved surface.
#2..Discharging Greywater without a permit.
#3...Discharging Grey water in an unapproved manor
#4...Illegal dumping of Human Waste.
#5...Depending on location/Violation of decency laws
#6...Unauthorized building of "Structure or other type of enclosure "..on Private Property(the shower stall)
#7...Building a "Structure or enclosure" without a permit. (Your camping permit allows putting up tents,"Enclosures"
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