I did this on my cargo trailer/camper.
The roof top should be enough to hold a vent up there with no additional framing or support, but go ahead and insert some wood frame in the cavity between the roof and the ceiling, as mentioned, to screw to. This will allow the vent top and bottom to sandwich and pull the ceiling and roof together tightly. Just pieces of wood are good enough, it doesnt have to even connect at the 4 corners like a picture frame would, they will just be taking up space and making the distance between roof and ceiling rigid. For making it waterproof you will want some rigid structure so the roof cannot flex and cause a leak.
My cargo trailer came from the builder with one vent, and they attached wood framing so the interior assembly would fit right, but it was just hanging from the roof sheeting, not attached to any real structure. Chincy, yes, but it has held up fine. I have since put an interior ceiling and insulated it better, so it like a camper.
I added an AC to the roof and did it correctly with welding and new steel tubing to frame in the opening and also connect to the other roof frame members, but this is overkill for just a vent, unless you might put an AC there one day...
have fun