Be careful not to over pack. Think your way through and sort the have to haves such as medicines etc.. from the non essentials. once the essentials are in place you can sort through again and pack the extras. We are leaving on a 5-6 week trip next week. After many years of being on the road I have learned to pack in a more efficient way. As others have pointed out many stores exist along the way so we only take enough foods for maybe a week then replenish along the way. We always have the emergency rations which for us is most likely Hot dogs, canned fruit and veggies, We take some lachoy canned Chinese food , Spam, crackers, Canned tuna etc.. as you like, that gets us through those days on the road where the main objective is to get down the road. As you get more accustom to what fulfills your needs you can leave even more at home. Pack clothes to take into consideration what you might expect in the way of weather but again do not over pack. An extra item of clothing can always be purchased if needed. ( I have some neat jackets and other items we picked up along the way.) I think the main jest of what and other are trying to say here is you can generally find what you need in a pinch. Make sure flashlights and batteries are in a convenient place. I have a folder that contains insurance info, roadside service info, flying J perk card and extra info that may be needed in a pinch. I have a safe bolted to the floor where I can keep important copies of papers that are valuable. As a CPL holder the safe also doubles as a place to keep in compliance in some states where there is no resoprosity with my state concerning CPLs. Just think your way through it without over thinking and you will enjoy your trip.