SDcampowneroperator wrote:
I know what 'Bobs Your Uncle ' means in Canadian speak. Enlighten those ''south of the border'
I'd like to see 'does your baby make strange' 'hydro' 'skitch/skonch' , 'bum' as a verb understood south of Canada.
I'll get a 24 open while you work on it. Might need a 66 also if you are busy.
Then there were Cabarets, Socials, -----
Bobs Your Uncle has always meant the standard term of .... and there you are, or .... and there you have it or similar when referring to something that has been done or described. Kinda hard to explain the term actually.
Being Bob and having a herd of nieces and nephews that call me Uncle Bob, the term fit quite well for me.
Yes we have some different terms for things but then all my south of the border friends do too!
My mother used to refer to the US folks as "youalls" as in y'all c'mon down for a visit or something. Haha!
a 24 will be enough for me :B