Ask Alexa the current outside temp
Ask Alexa what the weather forecast is
Tell Alexa to play ** music
Ask Alexa to ring my wifes phone so she can find it
Tell Alexa to turn on the tv (thru our logitech harmony), or dvd, or volume up/down, etc. Which actually turns on soundbar, sets the tv input, etc. also
Tell Alexa to adjust our thermostat to ** degrees
Ask Alexa for traffic info
Ask Alexa where the closest ** store or place is
Ask Alexa for the phone number of ** place
Tell Alexa to set an alarm for ** time
Tell Alexa to start a ** sec/minute timer
Yup and I use a lot of these plus more
My wife is famous for watching a movie and asking a million questions 'I wonder how old Tom Hanks is?' Now she justs ass Alexa
Alexa how old is tom hanks
I wonder how tall xxx is?
Alexa how tall is XXX
I also use it for
Alexa turn on the living room light
Alexa wake me up in xxx minutes
Alexa what are the hours for the UPS store on xxx road
Alexa put 'fix the xxx on my to do list'
Alexa put bread on my shopping list
Alexa play christmas music
I dont care if they listen, I have nothing to hide