Forum Discussion

xaugievike's avatar
Oct 12, 2013

An abrupt end to our camping season

Well....I should be sitting by a campfire enjoying some nice fall weather right now. We were going to try and take advantage of a 3-day weekend and get one last trip in for the 2013 season. Unfortunately, a drunk driver had other plans. (Me on the left)

I had just picked my daughter up from school and we were but 1/4 mile from home and hooking up when the oncoming vehicle began swerving wildly from curb to curb. I saw it coming but really had nowhere to go. I got myself slowed nearly completely and just took it in the nose.

Fortunately and thankfully my daughter and I were completely unharmed -obviously that's the most important thing....the truck can be fixed/replaced, and we will have more fun trips as a family soon.....

But I'm just sitting here stewing about having the weekend taken from us. Huge thanks to the firemen, paramedics, and police out there that read this. Your brothers that arrived to help us were friendly, helpful, and professional.

So to the rest of you out up some trip photos when you get back! Show me some good times!

Have fun out there and be safe everyone.
  • But, she is really sorry and didn't think that she was drunk. She had a really b ad day so it really wasn't her fault. Besides Daddy spent a lot of money to get the Judge appointed. If she gets more that a week probation, it will be a big suprise. it wasn't her fault any that you were on the road in front of her. It had to be your fault because you were there. Probably doesn't have a drivers license or insurance either.
  • Escargot wrote:
    Mandatory 1 year prison term for drunk drivers. Period. The end!


    First Offense...One year
    Second Offense...5 years.
    Third offense...Adios!!!

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!:)
  • rhagfo's avatar
    Explorer III
    Escargot wrote:
    Mandatory 1 year prison term for drunk drivers. Period. The end!

    X2 to that.
  • Mandatory 1 year prison term for drunk drivers. Period. The end!
  • Thank God you and your daughter are unhurt.

    I have to tell you that from reading your post, you sound more accepting of the situation than I'd probably be. That was absolutely no accident. That drunk driver deliberately made the decision to drink and drive. Nearly injuring or killing you and your daughter in the process. Not to mention damaging your prized truck possession. I'd be so livid that I'd be having a near out of body experience. A true accident is something that couldn't have been avoided and sometimes we just have to roll with the punches. But this...this is inexcuseable and was absolutely no accident. I hate it for you that it was probably too late in the day and too close to the weekend for the drunk drivers insurance company to rent you a comparable truck for the weekend to tow your trailer with and complete your weekend. Thankfully you both walked away unhurt.

    If we're ever hit by a drunk driver, I swear I'll spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make the drunk driver's life totally miserable and to pay, and pay, and pay some more in restitution. Heaven help the drunk/impaired driver who hits us and totals our truck or causes injury or death. The world won't be small enough for that person. I have absolutely zero tolorance when it comes to DUI. None. Period. No grey area, no forgive and forget, no; "He/she had a bad childhood and wasn't loved as a child". Sixteen or eighty years old. tolorance or excuse. I'll spend my life savings to have that sucker put away if the steate doesn't do it for as long as possible.

    I sincerely hope your truck is repaired good as new. Maybe you'll have a late winter and after your truck is repaired, you can still get in that one last camping trip before winter sets in. Good luck. And sue that POS drunk driver far above and beyond his insurance limits. That POS drunk driver deliberately tried to kill you and your daughter. I'd do everything possible to make sure it was his last ever attempt.

    Happy camping!!! See y'all down the road!!!:)
  • Whew!- Glad you're O.K., and sorry to hear about the lost weekend. I know how it is...

    Side note:

    I'm actually a little disturbed that your air bags didn't deploy, especially since hers did. It's my understanding that speed-of-impact is key, and that's not just related to how fast you're going, but the speed of the other vehicle.

    Do please make sure that part of your system is checked out while the rig's in the shop.
  • Thanks guys.

    Yes they arrested.....her.......on the spot after she tried to kick one of the paramedics. And she wasn't mildly intoxicated by any means...she was BOMBED. Incoherent, couldn't stand up. Two empty bottles of skol were taken from her car. A cop came by later with my license and said said she was charged.

    To my surprise my airbags did not deploy, but again I was nearly stopped, I believe they don't deploy below a certain speed? Hers did deploy and appeared to give her a good pop (good). She was moving pretty quick For the road we were on.

    A lot of good fortune in this. My daughters school had a half day yesterday, had this been a normal day there would have been several hundred kids and parents there just getting out of school.
  • Yes the truck can be fixed. Lucky you that they are made so much better than 30 and 40 years ago.

    Air bags and all that are saving a lot of lives, yet in your case the air bag should not have been needed at your low speed. At least the drunk was stopped.

  • most happy to hear you and your daughter are OK .... it would be interesting to know the other driver's record .... I can't help but wonder if this is his first such violation .... did they arrest him

  • I hope that guy has learned his lesson. What if he had hurt someone? Glad you and you're daughter are okay. You have the right idea, cars can be fixed.