fj12ryder wrote:
Tom N wrote:
DallasSteve wrote:
The last bastion of sanity has jumped on the "stay at home" bandwagon. They just sent me an email that they have closed all state parks to save the 1% who may die from the dreaded super virus. Texas was once a great state.
What if your family contracts this virus?
All the odds and real experience say they'll be just fine. Just like nearly everyone else.
Exactly. This is a bunch of fearmongering that most people have bought hook line and sinker. If my family contracts the virus there is a 99% chance we will survive. I may be at the most risk because I'm 63, but I'm not afraid because I am in good health. I eat well and I exercise almost every day because I know that my life and my health are my responsibility, nobody else's.
And what is the price of shutting down society? How many lives will that cost? It will cost some lives. Do they care? It doesn't seem like they do care. They are willing to trade one group of lives for another group of lives. They just want to throw everybody else under the bus because they are afraid.