I use my name, always have, ever since starting with the computer stuff. Never been robbed, assaulted, accused or any of the other so-called reasons for people to use something other than their real name. Which then leads one to observe how brave some are, hiding behind their assumed persona.
I also post when I am leaving, where I am going, how long I'll be on the road and where I am. Finding me is a snap. All my stuff here and on YouTube is identified.
I do not walk, drive, live, camp in fear. So far, no one has ever come up to me and given me a reason to act otherwise. I don't carry a gun. Used to have a bad cat, now have a ball obsessed dog. I pick up hitch-hikers...why don't I ever see the blonde in a bikini?...oh yes..and grab wifi from 'places'. So far, haven't been charged with theft of anything. Never been run out of a spot for boondocking, either.
And my street is named after a bird. A Plover.
Gary Haupt