CapriRacer wrote:
For those who are wondering about the responses from Continental:
First, you have to realize that answering questions for non-standard fitments opens the door to legal liabilities. Any deviation from what is listed on the vehicle tire placard creates an opportunity for some enterprising lawyer. Tire manufacturers are fully aware of this and will be incredibly cautious about what the say - and especially about what they will "recommend".
Second, the tire in question is a "C type" tire - the European equivalent of an LT type tire. It can be used on trailers, but care has to be taken regarding loading. The way Continental worded their comment indicates that they want YOU to do the homework. THEY don't want to be held liable for a mis-application.
We also have to realize they are cautious about liability for the very same reason we need to be cautious about our own liability…
I will not use any tire that raises my legal liability first, and even if I did, I would be required to remove the Continental Vanco tires because they would not be in compliance and equal or greater than the tires listed on the placard and it would fail the required state inspection, without changing tires and rims…
If I have to change rims there are plenty of LT choices…
Now about the e-mail response I got from them… the first one says pretty much says what you are saying in your second paragraph…
however the second e-mail I received seems to overrule the first… and clearly states the Vanco tire is not a suitable replacement for the ST tire, period, in the USA…
Quote: “Can you kindly send this to the USA, as this not for the UK.”
In other words the first response of cautious use was a mistake and was intended for consumption in the UK, not the USA…
We to may have to consider any differences before using or recommending these things to…