The old way before these highly integrated systems...was to touch the brake controller manual lever...slid it to initate the trailer brakes...just a bit to have it pull the TV a bit....all the while the driver controls the situation via the TV controls....brake...steering...throttle...etc...
These new systems (talked to one of their engineers)...the highly integrated brake controller sends a bit of braking signal to the have the trailer pull the TV a bit...while the highly integrated anti-sway system determines which INDIVIDAUL wheel brake...via the highly integrated ABS system...obeys that command...braking individual wheels in concert (opposite to the sway direction)...until the sway condition abates down to some pre-determined level....
Plus a bunch of new a set of accelerometers to sense sway...and wonder how many more there are in there...
Not a fan...even though one early career was in controls, automation, systems and process controls...
Making these new systems to complex and heaps on more stuff to fail...and makes it harder to they will just replace