rhagfo wrote:
BenK wrote:
Personally think these new IMPROVEMENTS are...have dumbed down too many drivers out there...but am in the vast minority on that opinion...
BenK wrote:
Personally think these new IMPROVEMENTS are...have dumbed down too many drivers out there...but am in the vast minority on that opinion...
rexlion wrote:
Not sure if they dumb down the drivers, or if the drivers are just dumb to begin with! ;) (Not all drivers... only some)
I think there are way too many dumb and not paying attention to what they are doing drivers now days. Devices like these just give them license to continue not paying attention.
Not anti technology just not one that would rely on it.
Maybe the technology should, report on too many incidents where the car save the dumb driver.
Better yet, just disable the car, with a big message on the instrument, "CAR DISABLED BECAUSE YOU ARE A VERY BAD DRIVER!".
Lol. Agreee whole heartedly.
Many discussions about the "safety features " or nannies as those of us who learned how to drive when you had to control ALL aspects of the vehicle operation manually.
Being in the worst drivers in the country zone here in Seattle, I'm sure Portland is similar just by way of location and similar ethnic and socio economic groups (tree huggers), I see most all these integrated "services" vehicles now provide just making drivers worse.
He!!, in some cars you can text and drive with no fear of crashing almost because collision avoidance, lane change warnings, adaptive cruise control and active braking keep you on track or at least warn you you're about to f up.
Add in abs, traction control, stability control, trailer sway control and auto trailer backing and auto parallel parking, no one will even know how to control a vehicle when it comes to less than ideal conditions or a situation where any real skill is involved.
It's plain out of hand now. I'm 44 years old and had such a hatred for ABS when it came out, I bought our only brand new vehicle to date, a 2001 Dodge Ram mainly because it was the last truck available without 4 wheel abs.
grew up driving in snow, plowing snow, playing in it. Last thing I want when it's low traction is some system taking over my 2 or 3 ways to get thru it. Acceleration, braking and steering.
I've learned to drive with those systems and it's kind of fun throwing a vehicle sideways and watching/knowing the stability control will dial it back in for you, but for those that haven't, god forbid they get in a situation where the vehicle doesn't save them. They're going straight off the road!
Can't count how many times I got stuck, up on the AK N Slope. Busting a hardpack snow drift and as soon as you giver the beans, traction control takes over and you're stuck! Became force of habit to turn off tc whenever I was in inclement weather up there because an unseen drift you couldn't punch thru due to the nannies coming on could mean putting yourself in serious danger. (40 below, no one around and you just got stuck out in a blow because your truck decided what was best for your right foot!)
I realize this is not the norm, but it's just a sign of the times, pandering to the lowest common denominator in society.
Rant over....for now.