From hosting and Workamping these past 5 years I have found there are 10 truths that stand the test of time for me:
1. The "Phantom Pooper", just like Kilroy, makes his/her presence known in nearly every campground. (Yes even in the ladies shower.
2. Nearly all parents will turn the kids loose for the duration once they enter the campground gates.
3. The weekend "tenters" come to party which means you will know the local police or sheriff deputies by their first name before the season is over..
4. The basketball bouncing on that cement court will resonate through the ground to RV's within at least a 2 mile area.
5. As does the youngster's footsteps as he races back and forth at all hours on the (seemingly hollow) trailer floor next door.
6. If the campground dumpster is within walking distance of a public road it will always be full.
7. It will take you and Sherlock Holmes to discover the one pet walker that always seems to forget their "baggies".
8. At least one RV will brush a tree each Season and it will definitely be the campground owner's fault.
9. As you sit down to eat a meal there will either be a knock on the door, a phone ringing, or the walkie-talkie summoning you.
10. And - I also know I love it and wouldn't trade the job, the campers or the challenges for anything. Life at camp is good and ALWAYS interesting!