wildwest450 wrote:
Francesca Knowles wrote:
I'm flabbergasted at the number of folks that evidently think nothing of chopping away at someone else's property solely for their own convenience.
Gonna remember this during the next rant thread whose theme is "the younger generation has no respect!".
Not as flabbergasted as I am to hear that people think it's fine to own a campground that a camper can't be pulled into without damaging it.
No kidding. If you own a campground intending to make money by renting sites out to people with large campers to use, make it accessible or I will help you. I won't lose a TV antenna or vent cover because you don't keep an eye on your site's trees. But, I will not cut down a tree or limb "just because I want to".
Last weekend, I encountered low hanging limbs less than an inch in diameter. The campground worker was helping me back into the site when I hit them and it sounded like my TV antenna was destroyed. He seemed completely caught off guard that they were there and told me to break down whatever I needed to to fit. My antenna was fine luckily.