Francesca Knowles wrote:
wildwest450 wrote:
I've lived in the woods for 16 years and only camp in the woods, thank you. I was referring to the uninformed that think that cutting a limb will kill a tree. Kinda like the people that think that animals have more rights than humans do.
I think you've missed the point of most folks' objections to the practice- it's a property rights issue. Your cheap siding/rubber roof/too-tall rig doesn't trump my tree.
I, too, live in the woods, and unless you're a LOT more casual than I am we both know that if without permission anyone hacked a single branch off one of the trees on our property there'd be H-E-double-pitchforks to pay.
Actually I think you are kind of missing the point - no one is saying they are going to drive through your private property and cut down tree branches. Why would they drive on your property?
NOW if you are a campground owner and charge people to stay in your campground then not only is it in your best interest to make camp sites as accommodating as possible but may even open yourself to legal liability for the damage of others property (TT, MH) if it is found that your campground (open to the public) is not being properly maintained. Maybe maybe not but I would go down that road...