This all would be a non-issue if the CG owner/management would be responsible and trim the trees accordingly. If they rent out a space, that space should be adequate for the rig they are renting it out to. If the tree has fruit, and can't be trimmed, then that space should not be rented to any RV that the tree would interfere with.
No different than me reserving a table at a restaurant and the waiter sitting me down at a table where a plant's vines hangs down to my seat and I can't sit down or it's in my face all the time. We wouldn't accept it at a restaurant. Why would we accept it at a CG. If the owner doesn't want people cutting branches, they should do their maintenance properly. From management's perspective, you can't always control what the public does behind your back... but you can control what your staff does, and not even give the public a reason to think about cutting a branch down. I'm not saying cutting a branch is OK without permission, it's not. But why even give the public a reason to think that would be necessary?
Responsibility on the CG's management to keep spaces clear, or not rent them out, is key. Do that, and this whole issue would be a moot point for the most part, and everyone would be happier and safer.