I think if you're adverturous and like to explore it's a lot different than going to a RV park for all winter and then moving to another for the summer. To me, that would be very boring.
We kept extremely busy and included some volunteering gigs occasionally. There's nothing to compare to being able to live in a national park for a couple months and having a purpose by helping out.
I'd also recommend joining the Escapees RV Club and getting involved with the friendly group. That's how we met approximately 50 of our 'close' friends. :) Twenty-two couples now, after an average of 15 years each of full-timing, have bought a tiny house with no upkeep in a very active 55+ community in a area we would have never dreamed of living. We have become 'family' and would do anything for each other and it's all because of the Escapees.
I'd also recommend not going into it saying "we're going to TRY it for a year or two. That isn't a commitment. Instead, DO IT! :)