Having owned an RV rental business for a few years, I would NEVER rent my personal RV. Rv rentals is a business. If you need to supplement your income then RV'ing was never for you to start with. You're better off selling an RV for a loss than renting it, suffering abuse, shortening it's lifespan and dealing with accelerated depreciation far worse than what you got on a sale short of the loan. People that rent anything - including Rv's, simply do not care about the property they are renting. Add ignorance to the mix and it becomes a mess fast. The abuse, damage and depreciation is amazing. I could go on about torn off awnings, torn off bin doors, smashed in skylights, septic damaged from beer cans - it's amazing what people do to other people's stuff. If you have any emotional attachment to your RV at all, do yourself a favor and don't ever rent it. You want to do RV rentals, start an LLC, buy units under a business loan and do it the right way.