Go Dogs wrote:
Laman wrote:
My next door neighbor has a 38ft. toyhauler that is currently on it's eigth year of sitting in his driveway. I saw it moved one time about 5 years ago but nothing before or since. It was also bought brand new! He also washes it about once every 3 years but according to his wife they keep it "just in case they ever want to go camping".
Different strokes for different folks.
This is the kind of thing that strikes me as such a waste. This TH is just going to rot. Does this guy also maintain a TV that can pull that beast? Money that could be better spent, elsewhere.
Actually he has a f-350 diesel that he bought at the same time that does get used a little. Nice people, just don't understand their spending habits and they are not breaking any codes as we live out in the county.