Speaking of people with R.V.s that are never used, we have a few around our area. The point being I never see anyone maintain them they just sit there nobody ever checks the caulking, the tires are anything. There's one of them that every few years is gone for a week to some local fair they get a whim to visit, point being they never check the caulking or the tires which have got to be at least 10 yrs. old by now. They're super nice people but I'm afraid one of these years they're in for a big problem if they find a fair that they decide to visit. No way I could let mine sit like that, I bought it to use it and that is what we do every chance we get, making plans for a last trip around the first of Nov. now. My neighbor used to tell me if I keep tinkering with I was going to break it, well she's gone and I'm still tinkering.