Thanks, Bluie5, it's always easier when I share the pain.
I've been on and off the radar, today. The wierd thing about this storm is that it is slow moving and the snow bands are wrapping around the back of the storm.
SD and ND appear to have just the digging and the melting left. It is still just barely snowing, here in Central MN.
The good news is that the plow guy stopped by. The bad news is that he's probably pissed at me for the early AM call, waking him up. I didn't get the typical A grade plow job. Of course, the stuff is so wet that he may be trying to save his truck and plow. Number #1 Son and I shoveled out part of the street drift, early this AM, the Son doing most of the shoveling. My 4 x 4 truck walked right out of the drive, over the 3' of packed white stuff at the street. Mom's car is sitting in the drive for the duration. We are just keeping warm and hoping for some Sun, tomorrow. The trailer is covered with the whole load, the rock shield on the front leaning precariously. Tomorrow, I'll deal with that.