Flapper wrote:
The frustrating part for me was that I was scheduled to take the trailer in for recall work on Friday (day before the big storm). While the previous snow was about 50% gone from areas, my storage lot couldn't get my trailer out for the tow from White Bear to St. Cloud, due to still big snow piles. Dealer was very accommodating, and rescheduled me for the 23rd. Rumour has it that new work (for them) is now being scheduled out to June. Now have about 15+ inches to deal with. Kinda doubt it will melt in time. So may miss many weeks of the season if I have to reschedule again!
Any chance the storage lot can get a machine into the lot to make a path for your trailer? The BIL has a large building where he stores various cars, boats, RV's, etc. I know he gets a rush each Spring where a lot of owners want their rig out the door first, he's alnost done complaining after 20 years of those rent payments, though. He loves the classic cars because some guys never even look at their car for years. They just keep paying and the cars are moved to the corners of the shed. Sorry, off on a tangent about storage, there.
What all are you needing for your new Grand Design, just the small odds and ends? Maybe a local handyman could tackle some of the small stuff. Just a thought.