For those of you wanting to improve the performance of your CB, there are shops around that can "tune" it for you, and get you set up with the right antennas to improve reception. Get on 19 and ask a trucker. Sometimes truckstops will have a small shop near them, or on the property. DH gets all our CB's "fixed" that way. We have one in every vehicle, and they are STILL more usefull than cell phones for certain things.
CB's have literally saved our lives before when we were involved in a road rage incident for ~40 miles. Two guys high on drugs were trying to car-jack us on I-40. Because we had a CB, we were able to communicate with nearby truckers, who literally saved us by blocking the road rage guys. The truckers even pinned the carjackers onto a concrete bridge so the HP could drag them out of the car and arrest them. Try doing that with your Smartphone. And yes, I was on my cell phone with 911 the whole time. 911 kept telling me to pull over and talk to the guys. Ha!
We will ALWAYS have CB's.