Cummins12V98 wrote:
Thermoguy wrote:
In the NW, trucks still speeding and camping in the left lane... Sucks trying to get around them in heavier traffic. (not hauling myself)
I know we have a supply issue, but I see more large trucks on the road then I can remember in the past.
Truck in left lane passing on two lane freeway 100% legal at Truck speed limit of 60 mph when auto traffic is 70.
Now if they are in the left lane on three lane highway they are breaking the law unless passing just like you are in a passenger vehicle.
Camping in the left lane means they stay in the left lane regardless of traffic in the right lane. This forces other drivers to pass them on the right. I know they do it because they don't want to be troubled by on ramps and people entering the freeway. But, as a person who drives a couple different trailers, if I move over to the left, I go back to the right lane as soon as I can. I try to not block faster drivers. It's easier to slow down a little in the right lane to accommodate a poor merger than it is to block traffic in the left lane. But, in reality, traffic sucks these days.