othertonka wrote:
Just for fun, a person asks a question on the forum, a reader knows the answer, so he answers. Does that label him a "Know it all" ?
No, that does not label him a "Know it all". It's the vocabulary, attitude, and words that used that comes across as condescending sometimes that make them a "Know it all."
Some folks really are knowledgeable about some things and their mind works in a certain direction. But the rest of us don't have a foggy clue sometimes. So when the technical jargon begins to flow, and copy-paste from journals or trade magazines begin to happen, someone not familiar with that stuff will start to scratch their head, and just move past the post. (I know, I do anyway).
The knowledge is great! But when it's mixed with a condescending attitude, that's when the post is not great!
Unfortunately (and yes, I say unfortunately) my son was diagnosed in the 4th grade as "gifted". That explained a lot. Unfortunately, to him, he possessed a "gift" to acquire knowledge, absorb ideas and concepts that were mind boggling to us parents, at even a very early age. Unfortunately, because he posses the knowledge, he just assumed everyone else should have the same "mind" set that he has. When we didn't understand, he thought we (and the whole world) was just stupid, and because we were so stupid, his attitude was, "I'm not wasting my energy on you." and for years and years had a very condescending attitude toward everyone who was not up to his level. Unfortunately (I've used that word a lot here), he was brain smart, but when it came to common sense and people skills, he lacked a lot!
It cost him in college too!
He is a very successful software programmer now developing code for medical applications. (In a way, still trapped in his own world at 28 years old now).
That's what I mean.