Being from the Midwest I TOO used to think WHY would anyone want to move to a state with hurricanes?
Once you get down here and really learn about it FLorida has the least of all bad weather conditions other states offer.
First of all years can go by without one. Unlike tornadoes and severe storms in the Midwest. Name one year there was not a tornado or severe storm in the Midwest.
If you live RIGHT on the coast in Florida that's your choice and your odds do go way up. There are areas along the west coast that have not had a hurricane hit landfall in 100 years as far back as they have recorded them.
INLAND Florida does not spontaneously implode when a hurricane hits the coastal areas. There are numerous areas inland where you can choose to live and be hurricane free.
When was the last time you heard Disney was completely obliterated off the map from a hurricane? Inland that's the key word, Disney wasn't stupid. And IMHO the inland areas are way more nicer than right on the coast.
I did my research and talked to local Floridians till the cows came home about location, location, location before I purchased property down here.
Can the inland be hit with a tropical storm from the aftermath of a huge hurricane? Yes but no worse than any EVERY spring storm across the country.
I have had tornadoes hit my house at three different locations that I lived at. IMHO it is way more horrific than a hurricane since if you are lucky you just might get a 5 minute notice to get to your basement and hold on to your butt for dear life.
The day the 4th tornado in my life touched down in the row behind me at a CG I was at while I was Rv'ing? .....Is when I headed for Florida. :C