In '84 I was also nodding off while driving a commercial vehicle and my car. Also going to sleep at meetings and in church.( Humm,that may have been as we had a very boring preacher.) The doctor told me that I was self hypnotyzing myself while driving and that the reason I was snoring so bad was a soft palate and he could operate on it. BS. That was an ENT.. 15 years ago,I had another sleep test and had a 79 score and am on my third CPAP now and last test the other day, I had a 5.5 andsince the DOT has set a 5 score,I still have to use it since I have a class b CDL for school bus. I have to take the smart card in every year when I have my physical or they won't sign my card.
I have my old one in the MH and the other in the house and since I'm eligible for a new one,I'm gonna get one and sede if I can get the 12v plug for it too.