Pick a Standard Reply:
1. The original poster is whacky, paranoid, uptight, has nothing better to do, grumpy, stupid, add other denigrating or insulting remark. (Make comments about other posters too.). If a new poster, jump on their motivation to post.
2. To avoid being banned for making personal remarks, make denigrating and insulting remarks about the question/posting, reply, etc., as being boring, useless, whining, provocative, paranoid, etc., or add a sigh, comment, etc., about why the thread is continuing (meanwhile, checking on thread rather than just skipping).
3. To pretend that you are being nice add the following: Bless their heart, Just saying, IMHO, etc.
4. Suggest that poster(s) should not RV as they obviously don't fit the proper role of an RVer.
5. Suggest that a poster should not participate in open discussions.
6. The poster is wrong and the other side is right.
7. X2, x3, etc.
8. Other standard replies.
If we got rid of all these standard replies, threads would get really short.
Do find gems in the various threads, but sometimes good to just pop in and out so don't get too jaded about the various standard reply posters.