Forum Discussion

Desert_Captain's avatar
Explorer III
Sep 14, 2019

Back to Angel Fire... again

We are once again enjoying a nice 4 day/night stay at our friends home in Angel Fire New Mexico. They have 3 acres at 9,000' and gorgeous does not begin to describe this amazing place. This trip we left theClass C at home electing to break in our new Honda Ridgeline to tow the RZR in our 10' cargo trailer.

We don't need the C for accommodations as the guest suite in their 3,900 square foot home is magnificent and the Honda is getting 16 mpg vs the 8.5 - 9 we get towing with the motorhome. Fully loaded the trailer with the RZR weighs in at 2,540# and the Honda, like the motorhome are rated to tow 5,000.

We alway do the 30 mile drive up to Red River for the mandatory Smoked brisket breakfast burrito smothered in Hatch green Chile sauce at Shotgun Willies, if you are anywhere near Red River do not miss this one. They smoke several hundred pounds of Brisket for 19 hours every day and it is hands down the most delicious I have ever eaten.

While there yesterday I rented a RZR for our friends to ride and we will just tow mine up there later this morning. We have a 4 hour trail ride in the RZR's scheduled for 1:00 and the weather is perfect... temps in the low 70's and no rain in the forecast.

Headed home tomorrow and will break up the 660 mile ride by stopping in Deming for the night and then home. Already making plans to return, perhaps for another white Christmas as we did last year. We have come up here 14 times in the last 4 years and never tire of this trip. For the first time we have yet to see any Elk but the deer and wild turkey's are everywhere. I'll follow up this post with more pics when we return home.

Just behind and to the left of the trailer is my personal RV site complete with 30 amps, my buddy put it in for me when they built the house so I would have no excuses for not coming up... now that is friend!

  • Desert Captain wrote:
    For the first time we have yet to see any Elk but the deer and wild turkey's are everywhere.

    Angel Fire is awesome.

    I live at 8000' but in CO. Nights/days have started to cool, except this weekend got warm again, and we are starting to see the elk migrate down from higher elevations. Rut season is upon us.

    The way you describe temps in the Angel Fire area, sounds like the elk there haven't migrated down from the high country just yet. They're probably close but guaranteed the bulls are following the cows.
  • WOW!!! My son lives in Taos, what a beautiful area, I sometimes will go out and spend the winter skiing with him. Enjoy!!!!