westernrvparkowner wrote:
... The odds are much greater that one of the other campers is dangerous versus the camp host being dangerous.
I would say that the odds are about equal. Why would a prospective camp host be inherently less dangerous than a regular camper? Someone who makes his living constantly travelling, working sometimes for no pay (hence no social security number, so no "footprint" the government can follow), spending most of his/her time out "in the woods" where the chances of being identified are lower - sounds like the perfect gig for those trying to stay "under the radar".
We once worked at an RV park where one other workamping couple was a "little strange" - around the time we were leaving we discovered a few "interesting" points: 1) She was the only "official" worker - only her social security number appeared on any paperwork in the office, their vehicle and trailer were registered in her name only. 2) He never left the park - she did the shopping, etc, for the family.
"Just sayin" - I think background checks might be a good thing. This is a lifestyle which could appeal to someone "hiding out".