What Blue Ox baseplate number did you get as your replacement?
We started out with a towbar and base plate outfit called Duncan. (On a historical note, Duncan had a patent on the first folding towbar, which was bought by the originators or Roadmaster.) The whole Duncan business was bought out by Automatic Equipment, better known to us a Blue Ox.
Anyhow, one way or another, we transitioned to Roadmaster. Falcon MoHo mounted towbar, and Roadmaster baseplates on first our Nissan Frontier and now Toyota Corolla.
This morning, after reading about two recent tow rig failures
See "Hitch Pin Broke" I took an oath which I have just fulfilled: Inspect and Tighten Base Plates and Trailer Hitch. I'm sweaty but they're done.
Please, from a safety and a Biblical perspective: Luke 10:37b: "Go and do likewise."