midnightsadie wrote:
to mr andj why not use deep cycle marine , my rv is 10 years old and I,ve used wal mart deep cycle ,with no problems.I,m on my second set now and there in good shape.
"deep cycle marine" is the same as RV/Marine, nothing special about them and they ARE a "compromise" between "starting" and "deep cycle". With that "compromise", they do either "job" equally poor and drawing them down deeply WILL result in less charge/discharge cycles.
I used to use a group 27 in my old TT, that battery had just enough guts to power a 12K BTU furnace over night and some lights.. By morning the battery was heavily discharged. I regularly killed Group27 batteries, only got two yrs per battery..
My current TT has a 30K BTU furnace and a 120V home fridge conversion plus LED lights.. Have leftover battery capacity by morning.. So far with that setup using just one pair of 6V GC2s I am got a minimum of 9 yrs for the first set of GC2s.. Could have stretched it to 10 or 11 yrs but did notice some reduction in capacity.. Not bad for a set of batteries, I feel I am getting my moneys worth out of them..
Those "marine deepcycle" batteries would NEVER hold up as well as the GC2s and it would take a bunch of those "Marine deepcycles" to even come close to the capacity of the GC2s.
But, I get it, some folks seem to be scared of that one silly little interconnect cable and seem to be scared that one 6V battery fails they would have to close up shop..
Well, guess what, two 12V batteries in parallel means you now have TWO of those silly interconnect cables and if one of those "12V" batteries goes bad, it WILL drain and damage the good one BEFORE you ever realize there is something wrong.
Not to mention "12V" batteries are not really "12V", they are 6 TWO VOLT CELLS wired in series with INTERNAL LEAD INTERCONNECTS.
6V GC2 batteries are 3 TWO VOLT CELLS wired in series and all you are doing is just adding an external "interconnect" cable between the separate GC2 batteries..
Nothing magical about 12V batteries folks..