How unbelievably stupid. Once the bears become habituated to humans there's usually only one solution and that's fatal for the bear.
Two years ago we were in the Elmendorf AFB FAMCAMP when the Security Police had to kill a young bear. The FAMCAMP furnishes bear-proof dumpsters and people couldn't be bothered to open them, so they left their refuse outside the dumpster. For a while the bear in question was able to be frightened off by loud noises and then "cracker" rounds fired at it, but finally even these were not enough to scare it off. Once the bear turned on the Security police, it was killed.
We've fished, camped and enjoyed the views on rivers and even Valdez harbor with both black bears and grizzly, and never had a problem. AS LONG AS THE PEOPLE DO THE RIGHT THING. The bears don't cause the problems, they just do bear things. People are the problem.