Folks, there's a reason I mentioned EAST COAST bears. These guys do not identify (yet) a CAR as a food container, and unlike the western bears, food in your car is still safe.
We are in the process of installing bear boxes. The numbskull who tossed his garbage into the back of his truck HAD A BEAR BOX for food, but it never occurred to him that garbage contained food.
And yes indeed, the paintball gun is not to chase the bear away, it is to mark him so that the bear hunter/trapper can be sure he got the right bear.
We don't have a problem as bad as folks have out west, in that the bears are usually smaller. This one is believed to be only around 400 pounds, big for one of our bears, but smallish for a western bear.
And still quite capable of messing you up if you get in his way. Which is why any bear I shoot will get it in the butt, NOT IN THE FRONT, where it'll likely just annoy him, and since he's headed my way anyway, might get me mauled. NOT going there!