May 19, 2015Nomad
So I'm volunteering as a camp host at a Forest Service campground this month, and we're having bear problems. The thing is, you only have bear problems if the bears lose their fear of humans and learn...
naturist wrote:We had a Great Pyrenees for 12 yrs who routinely chased bears from our yard. We had no problem with coyotes or racoons either. Now that we have a standard poodle we can't let her out unsupervised. Yes, a big outside, protective dog is a serious deterrent to a bear.
And yeah, dogs gonna protect you. Yup. Sure. AAAaaand in this corner a HUGE German Shepherd weighing 150 lbs (albeit a bit of a lardo), a trained killer (with TEETH) for sure VS. THIS WEEKS Champion, still undefeated, Mr. Tiny, a black bear at 450 lbs of pure muscle, teeth and claws and all.
My money's on the bear.