I was out west for work for several weeks a few years ago. Every Friday night I'd rent a car and hit the road. I'd drive as late as I could go, then crash for the night and get busy sight seeing Saturday and Sunday and get back late to my hotel Sunday night.
One night I was in Montana on my way back from Glacier NP. I stopped to sleep at a truck stop. I was parked way in the back. After a few hours, I woke up. Decided to head inside for something to eat, some coffee and a bathroom break. Opened the door, closed it and started to lock the door with the key. Right about then I saw a grizzly bear exploring the edge of the lot, probably 25ft from me. Not being from anything close to bear country, I never even thought to look around before I got out. My fingers instantly forgot how to hold a key and I came close to taking my bathroom break right then and there.