We are both 0ver 78 years old now and have had about everything in RV's, Boats, Travel, and properties you can imagine. Life's been fabulous to us. One major thing we have learned is not fun at all to have had the largest RV's (2-4 at any time), Boats (big power and sailboats), Travel much of the world (got very boring) and also 16 cruises done, owned many properties (both developed and undeveloped) and having 6 vehicles. It's simply foolish, so expensive, and makes you a work-a-holic keeping track of everything and keeping everything up to the standards we require. Not a question of being able to financially affording it at al as we sure could and then some. We still question why we did some of the things we did or owned.
Much smarter starting about 10 years ago as we downsized so much and it's like a huge weight off our shoulders now. Just a 29' Carriage 5th wheel we love and a very nice large Lance truck camper that's excellent, 2-3 vehicles, 2 boats under 20' long, and only travel in the USA and Canada. The 5th wheel and the Lance have plenty of room for just the 2 of us and are so easy to RV with, camp, and maintain.
About the only thing we can say is we have been there (repeatedly) and done that (repeatedly) and are still doing much of the same type things but only in North America for the last about 10 years and it's the best by far! We both have the same thoughts as to: why did we torture ourselves for so many years??? Memories are golden and forever but in reality they happen at great expense and take a toll on your health and so glad we saw the light!!!
We are not done yet but sure are taking different approaches to doing much more relaxing trips instead of got to be there on any type of schedule. Never any reservations done as we are foot loose and fancy free when traveling anywhere anytime covid virus or not being in vogue and taking proper preventions. Camping and being totally truly self-contained means you are not under any mandates or must find an RV CG with hookups. Both RV's have lots of batteries and 1500 - 2500 watts of inverters and also have a generator too. Easy to live just like at home for a week or more whenever and where ever happens.
We would NEVER return to the live of needing a huge RV or boat to use as we have learned the real facts of sensibility!