I have great success using the BATWING antenna that has the dipoles added...
My BATWING looks like this google image...

I also have used the KINGS JACK antenna and it works well also. The biggest difference for me is the JACK ANTENNA has to be more precisely pointed at the local NATL BROADCAST Clear stations to work.
I too live along way (Over 50 miles) from the NATL BROADCAST stations which are located in Washington DC or RICHMOND VA. I pick up over 60 stations from the two long distant locations...
The KINGS antenna has to be moved abit to be able to watch the two different group locations of the digital transmitting station in Washington DC. The BATWING can be positioned in the middle of these group locations and doesn't have to be moved anymore to pick them all up.

The beauty of Digital TV is they either work outstanding or doesn't work at all. About the only way I can tell my digital reception is somewhat border line is I may start seeing a degraded picture when aircraft are flying directly over my house here in Northern Neck VA.
The worse antenna I have used in the Winegard HIDE-AWAY dual dipole antenna that pops out of it case when you push it up and then has rotating dual sets of dipoles.

The best antenna I played with back then was the long TV YAGI (LOWES $90) with lots of antenna dipoles etc...

I used this antenna on a pole outside my POPUP Trailer for a long time but it eventually destroyed itself by having to be taken down and folded up for travel. This was being used before the NATL BROADCAST changeover to digital TV. When all of the VHF stations went away this long YAGI still worked great on the UHF digital station but all of that mass of dipoles wasn't needed any more. This antenna dwarfed the top of my POPUP trailer haha...
This is my POPUP Trailer using the BATWING antenna up on pole outside the trailer. I reach outside through the window flap to rotate it...

I presently uses eight BOW TIE dipoles on a flat vertical panel surface that has two banks that can be slightly moved. This is up on the peak of my house roof and is the best antenna I have ever used.
This is my PLAN B antenna setup here at the house and gets used when the we have local extended power outages. Also great to use when trying to keep track of different TV shows like watching FOOTBALL and NASCAR racing at the same thing...This of course would not be a good candidate for RV use I suspect...

My TV antenna story haha...
Roy Ken