A bit off topic, yet has relevance still, and something to think about. There are many languages and even more dialects. Take English as an example. Here in USA, listen to a New Englander, Midwesterner, Southerner, Californian, ghetto. Now throw in Great Britain, Australia, even the English spoken in the islands.
You are 'literate' in English, yet I guarantee that you can be lost in the dialects of your own language...
Spanish is the same as they are all different as well... Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Centro America, Northern part of South America, Southern part. I won't even get into indigenous languages...
Keep in mind that in the USA, we have MANDATORY education, that basically costs nothing to attend (Yes, we pay taxes...) In other countries, many of the so called schools are just a shack with a person trying to teach basic language skills when they themselves are not fully literate in their own language. Bring a handful of beans or corn to pay for your lesson for today. The mothers get beaten for sending the kids to school because the father needs help in the fields.
I have stood outside of many of these places and pondered, what is worse, to learn wrong or not learn at all?... (Don't give a quick answer as it is a deep question...) At least they are trying...
So, if one is not literate in their own language, because of where they are born- without opportunity, how would an 'educated' person expect them to learn another language proficiently?
I love to hear people chastise others with "learn the language"! just because they don't have proper language skills. I ask them how many languages they speak. I am literate (Read, write and speak) in 6 and can hold my own in another 6. I won't get into how many dialects I have as I have traveled extensively, on my own dime, not military. (Yes, I am a cunning linguist :B LOL) No offense intended to our military, Thank you for your service!It is just different being alone, self sufficient, no one to turn to for help so far away from home...
You also can't learn about a country visiting a tourist area. If a person visits Disney for a week, do they know anything about our country? NO. It is a tourist setup. You need at least 30 days in non-tourist areas to even get an idea of what a country/culture is like.
Back on topic.
I have spent much time abroad, had an estate in what is today considered the most dangerous city per capita, in the world, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, C.A. I certainly don't recommend living there now, although the islands are much different than the mainland.
Central America is very economical, yet can be very dangerous and unstable, without many of the conveniences that we take for granted. I will just say that if you aren't well versed in international travel, you might want to think it over a few times... Understand that the world is not like the USA, and when in Rome...
I never did care for Belize. Costa Rica is nice, however it is more expensive than the others.
I am tired of typing, so I will say that I really like Uruguay. Often asked what is my favorite country? The USA of course! We have everything and according to many, deserve it, although I am not quite sure why... YMMV